Flowers of May

May. All are in bloom. Mother Nature gives birth to new flowers and their pink petals are blessed with such a strong, sweet scent that one can never get tired of.

Love is floating. Hearts are filled with cherry blossom flowers and peachy perfume, and we learn to fly again. Our souls are reborn, we find each other again and our smiles get wider. The days are longer and we are happy. 
We capture memories. We trace down love for our dear ones and we let it all sink in. In this free world, how can one get bored?
May. What a beautiful word. What gorgeous scenery! The sky is painted in red and orange, and violet, and baby blue. And the sun is there to warm the colors and to shine on our faces one last time before going to sleep. But no worries! It'll be back tomorrow morning.

And look at the green! It's so vibrant and new! It looks as if it'd never died, and this feeling overwhelms me. Because then... If we die, will we come back again? Will we reborn as a butterfly? As a bug? As a tulip? Who knows? But it's May and life is in bloom again. We are not lost anymore. We are found in the parks, surrounded by trees and flowers, and bees, and rainbows, and summer rain, and thunder. 

And God, am I happy. I'm happy I'm alive, I'm happy I manage to see all the beauty around me. It's the kind of happy that no one can take away from me. 
And while I'm here, I want to use my space to leave a mark, a trace that speaks hey, look, she was here, notice all she's done.
She's kept withered flower petals in her old journal and has painted the edges of every page in a different color. She must've been an art lover.

And as I write this today, I can't help remembering the soft petals falling from the cherry blossom trees, waking me up from my sad dream, from my eternal concern: What am I to do with my life?
Life may not be filled with flowers and sun rays all the time, but it certainly fills me with enough hope and enough disappointment. How is that possible? I don't know. I don't know anything.
But I'll lean against a tree on this warm May day and hope someone saves me.

(a note on being lost and hopeful, yet hopeless)